Qualifizierte Talents


There are few sectors in which qualified employees are as sought after as in the IT- and communications industry. According to a survey positions were vacant in November 2022, a   43% increase over 2021. 70% also expect this shortage to increase in the future. (Source BITKOM Nov. 11.22). 

Many companies have therefore strenghtened their employer branding and developed offers to motivate employees, to retain or to recruit them. What we have found:

After work drinks, latenight dinner, fresh fruit, flexible working hours, relax room, provision of company bicycles,, laptops or mobile phones, teamevents (e.g. company run, BBQ, canoe, foosball table, table tennis), gym membership, massage, yoga, coverage of moving costs, child custody, pet custody, ÖPNV ticket,  payed training days, feelgood manager a.s.o. 

For companies this means hight but inevitable costs.

An employer contribution to the  NXT.LVL company pension schemeof up to of up to 40% of the employee´s net saving amount does not incur any costs for the company.