Logo des Unternehmens NXT.LVL mit
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Sample calculation, in €, rounded

  • Own net savings contribution employee 100€
  • Contributions from German state 92€
  • Salary conversion 192€
  • Employer contribution 40€
  • Total on CPS account employee 232€
  • Social security cost savings employer 40€

Employee retention

Sample calculation, in €, rounded

  • Own net savings contribution employee 100€
  • Contributions from German state 92€
  • Salary conversion 192€
  • Employer contribution 200€
  • Total on CPS account employee 392€
  • Social security cost savings employer 40€
  • Real cost employer 160€

If the employee leaves the company within 3 years, the employer contribution is returned to the company.

  • Cost of a salary increase of € 200,- instead of an employer contribution to CPS 242€