Occupational disability insurance


In Germany every fifth employee experiences occupational disability (OD) before reaching retirement age. The main causes of OD are, in order, mental illness (including burnout), muscusceletal disorders and cancer.

The good news:

If the BU-protection is provided as part of the NXT.LVL-company pension scheme this is also promoted through contributions of the German state and the increased employer contribution. And: Most of the IT- and communications- as well as most of the commercial professions are assigned to the favorable risk class 1 at our supply partner. So your OD- backup can easily be financed.

Additional advantages:

OD-insurance by the NXT.LVL-company pension scheme includes the option of a premium refund up to 90% if you (hopefully) don´t become disabled ba age 63. 

And you get coverage with just one health question ( from 10 employees in the collective).